That Damn Song...
6:18 pm - Tuesday, May. 21, 2002

Song: Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden

Theres a problem with having a player that randomly chooses songs. Songs have meaning, and the player doesn't know that. It just shoves whatever it pleases at you.

I'm listening to mine and Adam's song. Something I useually tend to avoid. This is a song I will never dance with anyone else to. I refused Richard this dance at homecoming. I don't feel right doing that. I don't even know what song Richard and I danced to because I was so concerned about Adam getting there before Truly, Madly, Deeply. He didn't though... we got pictures together at the dance, yet we didn't dance together... pointless

I'm not sure where I am when it comes to Adam anymore. I don't want to want him. So I wont. Now if only it were that easy...

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