Spanish Whore
10:03 am - Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2002

I am in spanish class and I am supposed to be looking for websites written en espanol... so of course I am at diaryland feeding my addiction...

I'm sorry... I love this site...

I got very little sleep last night... Chris was sick and I stayed up to read him bedtimes stories, in an attempt to make him fall asleep and get soem rest...

I had twinkies for breakfast...

I had paying attention in this class... it bores me..

Amanda says hi to you

humm... i know very little spanish for a girl whose taken it for four years...

Amanda is an odd one... she's so cute though... and not at all scary... in fact she just said "i'm not cute, I'm scary" in the most precious way possible... i wanna daughter just like her... except I don't want my daughter to live with the dellusion that she is scary, when in fact she is not. I want my daughter to learn that she is precious... and how to use that to get what she wants...

Manda and I know this... easy... when was the last time me or her or Rahnia paid for lunch...

okay... and for amanda I will describe our spanish teacher...

stupid spanish whore

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