In Response
3:57 pm - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2002

In response to this:

The matter is I want to get away from Adam... I'm glad you guys are happy... but I can't take being around him... he's like this constant blow to my self esteem... he sits there and calls me a slut.... he calls me a bitch... he makes fun of Chris... why would I want to stay in that situation? And now you're dateing him... which makes it like a sin for me to complain about him to you.... theres no point... Adam and I can't be friends... he hurts me too much... I really do hope you guys are happy.... but in this situation by you guys I only mean you... I don't give a fuck if he's happy... I wouldn't go so far as to say i want him unhappy... yet...I think the only person i hate more then him is Matt Aames.... I did want to be friends with adam... but I don't think his little somments are okay... i don't know... maybe you do... but it hurts too much for me to sit there and just let him do that... removing myself from the source of pain... the reason i broke up with him and now the reason I want him out of my life... because unless he actually stops... I can't take it any more... and I know from experiance... that boy doesn't stop something because you ask him to or because it hurts you... look at how many times I had sex with that fucker... and for the first time... i regret something I said I would never regret... and I hate myself..maybe letting adam tear me down isn't so bad... it's better then doing it alone.. maybe maybe... I just can't take much more... I'm ready to tottaly drop out...

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