Open And Honest, Right
8:52 pm - Tuesday, Apr. 30, 2002

We're doing the back and forth

We are, we aren't, we are, hell no, we'll never be again, I'm lonly, I love you, I want you, I miss you, fuck you, tell me what you want, what you think, this is hard

"when things are alright this is so easy, I don't want to throw soemthing into it" weather something matters, doens't matter, goes away, stays

"If something bothers you, then it matters, you HAVE to tell me."

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

You're still angry with me
are you surprised?
No, I'm not

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

You keeping things from me, feels the same as lieing

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

You're gateway to tell whats on your mind, your opening to tell only the truth, to tell your feelings... Open and Honest

We must say it three times a day

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

"I didn't assume you'd always be around, I didn't think that, I don't feel I took you grandted like that. But you can't assume that by ignoring something, you'll stop being botherd by it"

Silence, silence, silence, silence,
silence, silence, silence, silence

I hate when he doens't say anything

"I want to make it right, but I don't know how. I know whatever happend today, it was all my fault."
"You wouldn't feel these things if it weren't for me."

I Hate when you do that to me, I hate rollercoaster relationships, I hate couples who insist on breaking up and getting back together...

I want you, I love you, I want to be with you.

Really confused

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

We based it all on this

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

Bottled up feelings... I know what it's like to be Adam dateing me now...

Open and Honest
Open and Honest
Open and Honest

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