Conversation Between Me And Rahnia....
10:48 pm - Friday, Feb. 15, 2002

A Conversation between me and Rahnia... I'm a little nervous where this is going to lead... I would be Sparklinstar226, Rahnia is Fetalpig86


Sparklin Star226: Penis

FetalPig86: meh

Sparklin Star226: I feel really bad I dind't make it there today

Sparklin Star226: *didn't

FetalPig86: don't worry about it

FetalPig86: it's really not a big deal

Sparklin Star226: what did ya'll do?

FetalPig86: we went hot tubbing

FetalPig86: and we watched movies

FetalPig86: and ate more sugar than we should

Sparklin Star226: Hummm... sounds good... I even brouth my swimsuit... planning to come over... :-(

Sparklin Star226: *brought

FetalPig86: don't feel bad

Sparklin Star226: why not?

Sparklin Star226: I really wante dto spend time with ya'll

FetalPig86: awww

Sparklin Star226: Don't you hate it when people change thier email addresses?

FetalPig86: yes

Sparklin Star226: I;m changeing mine

FetalPig86: grrrrr

FetalPig86: hissssssss

Sparklin Star226: Why?

Sparklin Star226: actually... I wont... its a lot of work to tell people abotu new email addresses... meekiefreekie is fine

FetalPig86: eh because I am in that kinda mood

FetalPig86: whatever you want

Sparklin Star226: I feel like talking abotu important stuff... unfortunately... I have nothing to say

FetalPig86: yeah well that's the way it goes

Sparklin Star226: I wanted to put a new diary entry up... but it was just about how I have nothing to say

FetalPig86: diaryland isn't working for me and I have things to say!!! GRRRRRR

Sparklin Star226: hummm.... have you tried just starting a new one?

Sparklin Star226: that would be annoying though

FetalPig86: yes it would

FetalPig86: I like what I said already in my other one

FetalPig86: I'm also kinda attached to my name

Sparklin Star226: humm?

Sparklin Star226: Ahh... I can only read one entry of your new one...

Sparklin Star226: Have you seen the new latout on mine?

Sparklin Star226: *layout

FetalPig86: yeah I like it

FetalPig86: but I had two entries

FetalPig86: meh

FetalPig86: Amanda says she's worried about me

Sparklin Star226: Did she give a reason?

FetalPig86: not yet

Sparklin Star226: i guess I can understand people being concernd abotu you

FetalPig86: why

Sparklin Star226: Because you never seem very happy

FetalPig86: I'm not

FetalPig86: but why is that a cause for concern

Sparklin Star226: I realize that no one can excpect happiness all the time... but it scares me that you never seem even slightly content anymore... and I wish you would tell me whats going on....

FetalPig86: people have to be happy to be "normal" now?

FetalPig86: not that there is such a thing as normal

FetalPig86: nothing's going on

Sparklin Star226: Normal is an impossible ideal

FetalPig86: maybe that's the problem

FetalPig86: why should it be an ideal

FetalPig86: I would not like to be considered normal

Sparklin Star226: It's not my ideal... it's sociatys ideal

FetalPig86: screw society

FetalPig86: I'm not fond of it

FetalPig86: especially when it expects and/or forces me to be something I'm not

Sparklin Star226: I have to go... I'm sorry... email me... I'll check it often... I am not fond of it either... I'm not fond of pretending to be soemone ekse for fear of being judeged by my friends

Sparklin Star226: I'm not scared of judegment from other people... but from my friends....

FetalPig86: okay

FetalPig86: will do

Sparklin Star226: bye

FetalPig86: I've noticed

FetalPig86: bye

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