Drugs Are Bad Kids
11:42 pm - Saturday, May. 04, 2002

As useual... when I hang with soemone on a weekend... I end up spending the ngiht at thier house...

So here I am at Nells house... trying to get high off random things in her home... of find soemone to hook us up with pot.

I have never tried any drugs... not really unless you're one of those types that counts ciggarettes and alcohol as 'drugs'....

I don't knwo what it is... I want to try new things... that and... the more my parents try to stifle me... the more egear I am to try new things... to branch off from them...

Plus... whats my dad going to do... say pots bad...

"drugs are bad."
"but why are they bad?"
"Uhh... drugs are bad, you shouldn't do drugs."

I need people to let me make my own mistakes.... And I wanna try it dammit...

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