12:02 am - Monday, Dec. 24, 2001

I hate drugs. I really, really hate them. My father smokes pot. My whole family on that side does, plus like tons of other kinds of drugs. They all fuck up their lives on a regular basis, and I dunno, how else am I supposed to connect things. Drugs fuck up your life.

Kevin smokes pot. It�s not like he tells me all about it, but it bothers me. I�m so against drugs, because they fuck up your life, and now that I�m an actual part of his life (I hope) I feel strange dealing with yet another person who�s like that. My whole family�s not enough. Look who I love, look where I stick myself. I started talking to wonderful chris about this today on msn:

chris says:

well... nothing can be perfect...

Megan says:


Megan says:

I know to much imperfection to look for perfection

MegaN says:

I hate drugs

chris says:

me too..

chris says:

i don't date anyone that does drugs... and even cigarettes... those are borderline

Megan says:

yeah... Kevin smokes pot. It seriously bothers me

Megan says:

I'm not sure how to deal

chris says:

hmmm... i mean... you can't go into a relationship aiming to change him...

chris says:

i guess... just try to limit him...

chris says:

make sure he doesn't put it before you... ya know?

Megan says:

I know, I'm not trying to change him, i know I have no chance

chris says:


Megan says:

Thats where he would choose it over me, I know he would

chris says:

that sucks

And it�s true, he would choose drugs over me. There is no way I could change him, and I�m not going to try, because I love him and don�t want to be without him. There no point in trying to change something I will never have any control over. I hope it doesn�t have a chance to come between us. But I don�t know, I�m pretty sure they mean a lot to him. Plus his brother is living with him again, and they smoke together, so that just encourages him. I don�t know. I worry excessively. I really hate drugs.


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