Center Of The Universe
10:39 pm - Saturday, Apr. 06, 2002

I wish I had a car... i would just drive...

I like night time...

i like the air at night

it's nice air... it smells good... it's cool in all the right ways....

stars are lovely things...

I want a convertible

and a lover... driving...

and a quiet streatching highway sometime after midnight on a summer evening...

I want to feel the wind in my hair... to sing loud to the radio... to kiss him on the cheek... to go anywhere and have it be exactually where I want to be...

where I am is the center of the universe and everyone else is on the outskirts...

I want him to turn down the radio when I fall asleep... to kiss me on the top of the head and continue to drive through the night... our night... and to be with him... i want nothing more..

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