Blah Blah My Day Blah
9:28 pm - Wednesday, May. 01, 2002

Today was meh on the scale of how days go. I skipped two classes, which later would turn out not to be the greatest of my ideas.

We went to safeway for lunch. Got donuts and soda. All this was terribly exciting.

I played with my phone constantly because it still holds that appeal of being brand new. Missed Chris and wiched he would call me on numerous occasions.

After school I went to Rahnia's simply to pick up my stuff which turned into me walking with her to safeway, to buy lemonade and ramen, and then to Hollywood Video to rent 'Not Another Teen Movie'.

On the way back to her house I decided to finnaly empty my shoe of what was poking my foot, and my foot was bleeding. It turned out I had a piece of glass in my shoe, instead of a thorn like I thought. Penis that.

Got home after watching movies and eating food at Rahnia's house to find my darling parents waiting for me. Apparently my bitch ass spanish teacher called them to tell them i had skipped her class. I explanied I merely didn't go because I hate her. They told me to go from now on. Surprisingly cool and level headed for them, seeing as my father was there.

I've spent since then till now putting around avoiding real work. Chris told me it had been nerely 23 hours since I last updated. I didn't feel deprived.

Maybe I don't need this anymore. That would be odd. It my just be how open it is to the public. I almost feel I have nothing to say, because the thousand thoughts bouncing in my mind need to stay where only I, and maybe someone I don't know can read them. I sorta long for the days when none of my friends knew this diary even exsisted. I was hoping to keep it going over the year though. This is the start of month number five...

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