Saw A Black Flag Sticker On A Cadillac
8:19 pm - Wednesday, Sept. 03, 2003

Tomorrow school starts. Tomorrow I go back. I�ve gotten to that summer point that tells me that I want to be back. That being back would break up what I have. Kill the heat. Bring me companionship. I don�t know who I�m trying to fool.

I have my friend. My wonderful friends, who didn�t miss me this summer, because we were together. Jula and Sylvia. Today we finished the summer together, because this was the summer of us. And when Rahnia was here, she was in that. But it was us. The summer of MSJ and I�m sorry I couldn�t carve that in the rock.

I sat on a big rock on one side of the Sandy River today and stared. We stared at the water, and the trees. We stared at one another. We stared and the naked men sun bathing on the other side, and hushed Sylvia who said what we were thinking, but loudly.

We swam, and ate. We covered ourselves in muddy sand and rolled on the ground. We talked. And let the wind takes us, let the current take us, let our friendship take us.

It took us to the river. It took us to the radio. It took us to skinny dip in the deepest part we could find, avoiding the naked men and the other river visitors. Compared breasts.

It took the whole summer, but I�m comfortable with these people now. Comfortable on a level I wasn�t before. A level that has upwards to go. A level that has The Ataris version of Boys Of Summer as its theme.

Camping parties. Strawberry soda. A Midsummer Nights Dream. Various walks on the waterfront. Sandy. Merwin. Couguar. Three dollar parking.

And to be completely cheesy and nostalgic: I can tell them, my love for them will still be strong, after the days of summer are gone.

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