Gossip Talk
10:14 am - Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003

The problem with rumors is people don't want to know the truth. They like the juicy story they hear, the one they pass on, the one they giggle over. And then they hte when you spoil thier fun. When you say no that's not what happened. Or when you just give them the look that says, "you're an idiot, and very wrong".

It's silly though to worry about what other people have to say. I love the people I've met here. I don't really give a damn about the RA's. But when they bring it into workshop, then we have a problem. Because workshop rules say you can't silence anyone and you can't use your writing to direct comments at anyone. At least not the writing you read aloud.

I'm still hear until Friday, but Im sick of writing and I'm sick of sharing. Especially when people don't want to get the right idea.

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