Email For Address If You Want To Send Card
7:03 pm - Monday, Feb. 10, 2003
Song: The Wrong Way - Sublime

Many letters started, not many sent. Some to Chris, most to Rahnia. I wonder why I can�t find what to tell them. I want to chronicle my days for Rahnia, because she�s missing what�s here, but I�m not sure how interesting it would really be.

I want to tell Chris something more than �I love you.� I sent him a card last week. A good luck with midterms, I�m so proud of you going to school again, card.

We used to say Beware Of Cow in front of people we couldn�t use the words �I love you� around. I sprawled Beware Of Cows on the back of the envelope and filled it with cow confetti. I�m happy to know he was covered in my cow shaped love.

I wish I had a creative way to let Rahnia know I miss her. That I�m glad she�s going to a school that does what she needs from a school.

I love sending cards. And I love receiving them. I�ve hinted, and then straight out said, that I wanted anniversary cards. Really, I�m just joking when I say it, but I�m also serious. I�ve been anticipating so long the anniversary of one of my friends so I could send a card. And Chris and I have made it a year on the 24th of this month. That�s good stuff.

I just like cards.

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