I Don't Label
10:39 am - Monday, Aug. 26, 2002

Adjusted to a schedule where three sharp bells twice bring about consciousness. Meals are set to a schedule that I�ve found impossible to keep on my own accord.

I want a nurse to go to 24/7 because I�m too hot and feverish and I don�t mind at all if she mentions the words urgent care again.

It�s like the emergency room, but less severe. Swimmers ear. Puffy glands. Longing to sleep.

Hold me, will you, boy of my imagination. Your voice hasn�t rang in my mind for a week and I am forgetting just how the decimals vary and the breathy tone you give to �I love you�.

Drenched in the firelight, raising your voice in song that gives new name to Iowa in my mind and removes traces of connection with that state and Kevin.

�And so for you, I came this far across the tracks, ten miles above the limit, and with no seatbelt, and I'd do it again�.

Your voice is beautiful and your face is too, but hers is neither and that weekend sleepover shouldn�t be mentioned to her.

I long to clasp each of their hands once more because everything was safe and my largest concern was making sure Hopi didn�t think I hated her.

Here... oh here, there are strangers and I can�t comprehend the thought any longer that there are people surrounding me that I don�t know.

Sitting and readjusting. Watching news: flashes of memorials, the remains of two bodies found. MTV: Unbearably thorough coverage of the up and coming VMAs.

Back there all that mattered was waves beating the sand and loving everyone without labels. I loved my false little world.

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