Back For A Day, Then Camp Again, Camp Again, Jiggity Jig
5:18 pm - Saturday, Aug. 17, 2002

Home. If only for the rest of this Saturday and all of tomorrow's Sunday.

I am exhausted, chapped, burned, and feel torn down. Worse for the wear. The hiking, singing, and all around constant cheeriness to "motivate the kids" have taken their toll on me. I feel my body was jumbled up and I�m slowly moving each part back to its rightful spot.

My fingers have forgotten the pattern of the keys as they slam the keyboard with my words, frustrations and thoughts, placing a�s where I don�t want them because I forgot how to type with that computer-less week.

My arms are darker though I have to wonder if it�s tan, or merely dirt I have yet to wash off in the shower I haven�t the energy for. The standing would be too large a toll on my sleep-deprived body. Maybe more junk food, which I�ve been separated from will give me the energy to head to my fountain of rejuvenation, where the cool/warm blend of shower water and apple body washes can bring some life back into the girl who today fell asleep sprawled on the couch moments after landing on it.

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