My Worst Fear: I've Turned Into His Mother
10:36 pm - Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002

I remember now why it's not right to be completely truthful with your boyfriend. Because then you read him something you wrote in your "real" diary in May where you called him your intullectual inferior and you forget to censor yourself.

I seriously sounded like his mother when i wrote that. Saying I didn't think he was getting anywhere. I swear, swear, I don't really think that.

I just don't know if he'll ever decide what he wants to be so that he may go out and be it. But as long as he's happy, I shouldn't be concerned.

Gah! I can't help being concerened though. Why can't he just decide on something to work towards. I mean... I realize I have no idea what i'm going with yet.... but i have higher excpectations for him.

Speaking of sounding like his mother... I've lept of the level of good girlfriend way down to the platform named "nagging mother". I need mental help, but I'm such a mom. That and I'm seriously not pregnant, pregnant.

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