A Neat Litttle Summary
6:47 pm - Friday, Jun. 28, 2002

Sometimes time with friends makes a day great.

Kai's birthday party was today, which meant an early wake up call (eh, 9 am). We went to the river, and in good Oregonian style enjoyed ourselves just fine despite the rain.

Kai's dad pulled us all while we rode the sea biscut/inner tube things. Adam got his ass kicked by them and ended up with rope burn and a gash on his face. I had a great time, but did a huge tumble off the tube when I hit a jumping wake. Hitting the water felt like slamming into a wall at first. Apprently I had the best wipe out, and Shelly deffinatly had the best jumps.

Afterwards it was pinic and Shelly and I singing Avril and other songs loudly and out of key.

We then all went and saw Mr.Deeds. It wasn't that great, but it was cute... I think cute can be a kind of dreaded term of discription for movies.

Topped off the day with Thai food for dinner. There, a neat little summary.

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